How to be Better Leader Part 1

Last week we asked the question, “What kind of leader are you?” You can read more about that here. Ultimately, we should all work to become better leaders, but how do we do that? Over the next 3 weeks, I will outline six ways we can become better leaders. As we become better leaders, our influence will increase, our organizations will be stronger, and we will be more successful.

Develop Humility

The first thing we must do to become better leaders is to develop humility. I know; it sounds counter-intuitive. Many of us got into leadership because it makes us feel good. We like the power and the responsibility. I know when I first started to lead, I did it because I thought I was better than everyone else in my group, and they needed my “exalted wisdom and guidance.”

As I continued to lead with this higher sense of myself on into the professional world, my senior pastor challenged me. Our church was looking at multi-site, and I was excited for the new position, power, and responsibility. My pastor wisely told me that I have the wrong attitude. Instead, I needed to focus on making the ministry in which I was currently serving the best it could be. I needed to develop my own leadership, and the leadership of others around me.

Everything changed.

In John 13, We find the story of Jesus washing his disciples feet. This act of service was so important that all four Gospels tell the story. During His act of selfless service, He said, “Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him.” John 13:16

Only a truly humble leader can live out this statement.

So how do we have ambition while remaining humble? As I have mulled over this question, I have discovered that it’s ok for us to have ambition, but that ambition cannot be tied solely to ourselves. We must become more interested in seeing the organizations in which we serve being successful than our own resumes.

Ask others for help.

The second thing we can do to become better leaders is to ask for help. Just as I am a better leader now than when my senior pastor spoke those words, we are all better at what we do than when we first started. As we grow as leaders, we go through four stages of understanding

  1. First, you don’t know what you don’t know
  2. Then, you know that you don’t know
  3. Then, you know but you don’t know that you know
  4. Finally, you know that you know.

We can move through these stages two ways. We can either figure things out on our own, or we can ask for help. The first way may seem easier, but the second way will help you go further, faster.

There are people who have been doing what you do longer and with more effectiveness. There are people who have perspectives and observations on your organization that you can’t see, simply because you’re too close. There are people with different backgrounds that have great ideas on how to make things better. Asking for it is the best way to get to all the information and experience you need. Be bold. Be creative. You’d be surprised what people will share with you.

Interestingly, the first two steps go hand in hand. We must humble ourselves and ask for help. Just doing those two steps will take you to the next level far faster than the rest of the steps we will see in the next few weeks.

What is one thing you can do server others? Is there someone who can help you be better at what you do everyday?

The Pride of Investing in Others


Memorize Scripture, Eat Some Ice Cream