How to Be a Better Leader Part 2

Last week we talked about the first two ways to become a better leader, develop humility and ask for help. You can read more about that here. Today, we will look at the next two ways to become a better leader.

1. Take Responsibility

When I was younger, I hated being wrong. I hated being wrong so much so that I always looked to blame someone else for my shortcomings. This attitude frequently hurt my influence as I would throw those I led under the bus just so that I could look good. Thankfully, I have wise advisors in my life who pointed out my error. I learned that a true sign of a leader is one that’s not afraid to back away from taking responsibility.

John Maxwell is known for saying “everything rises and falls on leadership.” Once we take responsibility for our actions and the actions of those we lead, the morale and overall performance of the team will rise. There is always something you could have done differently to make the outcome better.

2. Develop discipline

Level 5 leaders are extremely disciplined. A synonym for discipline is self-control. This is a fruit of the spirit that Paul says we should all exhibit. Having discipline is what gets things done. The procrastinator never gets anything done. The tardy never are prepared. The disorganized never reaches their potential.

Nehemiah is a great example of a disciplined leader. When he was rebuilding the wall in Jerusalem, his enemies kept trying to distract and stop him from his God-given mission. Everytime, Nehemiah simply responded with, “I am doing a great work and I cannot come down.” (Nehemiah 6:3)

People will have other ideas. People will want to distract you. People will want to stop you. People will question your motives. We must be steadfast and follow the direction that God is leading us. We have to be disciplined to say no and stay the course.

Next week, we will look at the final two ways to become a better leader. What do you think? What would say makes a better leader?

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