Five Ways God Helps your Faith Grow

Recently, I was given the opportunity to preach to the adult congregation.  I spoke on the five ways God helps your faith grow and how my church makes them happen. They are:

  1. Practical teaching - Hearing the Word and doing the Word are two very different things.  It is essential to our spiritual growth to learn how to apply what we learn about God and His ways to our lives.
  2. Private disciplines - Prayer, studying the Bible, serving, sharing the Gospel.  These are all disciplines that every christian should have in their lives and the more they practice them, they stronger their faith grows.
  3. Personal ministry - Paul said in 1 Corinthians 12:2 that we are the Body of Christ.  Everyone has a place to serve in the gifts and abilities that God has given us.  Therefore a follower should be actively serving or looking for a place to serve.
  4. Providential relationships - In each followers faith journey they can point to one person who set them on their current path.  God places people in our lives to speak into it and effect our growth.
  5. Pivotal circumstances - There is a moment in everyone's faith journey where they did something for God or God did something in them that changed them forever.  It is a moment they will never forget.
You can watch the whole sermon here.


When God Builds your Ministry


What I Read in 2015