David Reneau

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Two Awesome Plans, One Big Mistake

Sometimes you plan something awesome, and you have unintended negative consequences. This happened to me on Sunday. We had a dance off in both elementary services and the winning group got to sit in the "VIP" section and get a free soda and candy. A little more than I usually give, but it helped illustrate the sermon for the day.

Also, because it was promotion Sunday, we gave a coupon away to all the Kindergarteners and First Graders. A one time thing, but the kids love it.

Two awesome plans. One big mistake.

When we held the dance off in first service, the K-2 boys won. In second service, the First Graders won. 

Do you see what happened? I didn't until a mom pointed it out to me.

I gave 3(!) 20oz sodas and 2(!) bags of skittles to first grade boys in the span of 3 hours. Bad call, children's pastor, bad call.

I'm told one first grade boy was still wired at 7pm that night.

I've apologized to several affected moms and explained to them what happened. I also promised that it wouldn't happen again. They were in good spirits, and we laughed it off.

Sometimes you make great plans and they don't play out the way we envision them. That's ok. That's life. The key thing we have to do when we make mistakes is to learn from them so they aren't repeated. It's ok to take risks, just make sure to have a backup plan and be ready to eat some humble pie if/when it doesn't work.

Have you ever made a mistake like this?