3 Easy Ways to Invite Someone to Church

This Christmas is an excellent time to invite someone to church.  But if you're like me, you don't go into every situation thinking about inviting someone.  However in normal conversation, people they will give you clues that they are receptive to invite.  Once we learn to recognize them, we will have much greater success and may even change someone's life.

When people say any of these three things, that's your cue to invite them to church. I like to call them the "Three Nots"
  1. Not prepared for it. Murphy's law says that anything that can go wrong will go wrong and that just seems more apparent in the Christmas season.  The church provides a wonderful place for support and encouragement during these times.  So when someone says they just weren't prepared, that's a great chance to invite them to church.
  2. Not going well. During the Holidays we all want things to go perfectly.  Whether it's something trivial like a cold or serious like the loss of a loved one, Jesus gives us peace that surpasses all understanding.  When someone says that things are not going well, invite them to church. They can get help from the Prince of Peace.
  3. Not from here. We live in a military town, so there's a lot of people who are not from here.  What's more, they may not be able to go home for the holidays.  Invite them to join our church family this Christmas.  They'll be glad you did.
You could give the greatest gift this Christmas season. Jesus!  Let's step out of our comfort zones and have a conversation with people. Listen for the "nots" and invite them to church.  You could be a part of the story that changed their life forever.

10 Leadership Lessons From General George Patton


Lead with Passion